Çukurova District Directorate of National Education has many institutions within its body in order to organize activities in educational institutions, to provide the necessary guidance and to ensure functioning.

  1. In the field of Basic Education; pre-school institutions and primary schools,
  2. In the field of secondary education; middle and high schools,
  3. In the field of Religious Education; imam hatip middle schools and imam hatip high schools,
  4. In the field of vocational education; vocational high schools
  5. In the field of Special Education; special education I., II. and II. level schools, school for the visually impaired, special education vocational training school,
  6. Science and Art Center and Guidance and Research Center,
  7. Public Education Centers in the field of lifelong learning,
  8. Through it, the continuity of all education and training activities in our district is ensured.
  9. We continue to work in the field of school education, especially with the departments of basic education, secondary education, religious education and vocational education schools that include cultural courses.
  10. In the field of school education, our Directorate is the local authority responsible for the execution of all operations related to education and training. By working in cooperation with the schools within its structure; it supports the cognitive and social development of students.
  11. Student achievement and learning outcomes are among the areas that need to be improved in our directorate.

The management and control mechanism in the organization is provided by the District Director of National Education and the affiliated Branch Managers. The District Director of National Education takes the opinions of the parties in the decisions to be taken regarding the institution, and decides with a participatory method. The Branch Manager responsible for the strategy and 2 private office workers and 1 Information Technologies Teacher will be key personnel in the project partnership. The Branch Manager responsible for Strategy has 32 years of professional experience; In the management of the consortium partnership, it will be responsible for the organization of any coordination meeting to be held with the partner organizations. 2 private office staff are experts in their fields who have carried out Erasmus+ projects for years. They work as District Project Coordinator. The Pre-School teacher has 17 years of professional experience and both EU projects; as well as local and national (UNICEF) projects, took an active role in producing and executing projects. It will take an active role in the design, transnational cooperation, execution, implementation and reporting stages of the project. The English teacher, who also works as the project coordinator in our district, will take an active role in the execution, transnational cooperation and reporting stages of the project. The Information Technologies teacher will take part in the preparation of all virtual components of the project, and the design of the project posters and logos.
Çukurova National Directorate has been involved in EU projects since 2006 and has been implementing many projects for the development of vocational education. The Directorate has been involved in some LLP projects; “2008-1-TR1-COM06-02904 1 Traditional Life of European Countries” LLP Comenius school partnership; “2011-1-TR1-LE004-24311-1 Activity Based Learning and Entertainment: Lifelong Learning Challenges in the Digital Age” LLP Leonardo da Vinci Partnership; “538286-LLP-1-2013-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP E-FOLIO Developing and Delivering Key Competencies Employers Need for Hiring in Young Adults.
In the field of adult education, he participated in the New Life and Gaming in action Engaging Adult Learner With Games and Gamification projects as a partner organization in 2017 and 2018. It offers non-formal education opportunities to many adults through local Public Education Centres.